The bride tells us how their gorgeous Pine Trees Beach elopement came to be: “We met 10 years ago through our best friends who were dating at the time. We went on a double date to the movies but we were both so shy & barely spoke to each other, so nothing came of that night.
We kept in contact, casually texting each other throughout the next year until we finally met up again to go camping with those same friends. Even though we again were shy with each other, we had a great time & we have been together ever since.

We both come from parents with multiple tumultuous marriages, so it was something we both didn’t want for our life. After 9 years together, we’ve gone through so many life changes and grown so much through it all that it just felt right to make the decision to become husband & wife.

Eloping felt more like us & it was something so special between just the two of us! We knew we wanted to go somewhere we could adventure & Hawaii just seemed like the perfect place.
After finding Simply Eloped & browsing their photos of different elopement sites, I saw how breathtaking Pine Trees Beach was with the contrast of the black lava rock extending into the blue water, surrounded by white sand beaches! “

Photographer: Simply Eloped