Wedding Weight Worries? Make Sure You’re In Shape For The Big Day!

Wedding Weight Worries? Make Sure You're In Shape For The Big Day!(Image courtesy of PixaBay)

Weddings are something of a chaotic thing to prepare for, no matter how organized you are. Once you’ve set a date, you’re firing a starting pistol on something which requires a lot of preparation. And unless you’ve set that date for “way, way in the future,” you can run short of time before you know it.

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He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not – Top 5 Wedding Flower Mistakes To Avoid

There is something very practical about choosing flowers for your wedding: Flowers subtly liven up your big day in more ways than you could care to know about. So, when you are picking your wedding flowers, it is naturally important to refer to a handy guide in order to make sure that you can think about everything. But tips such as being playful with colors, or personalizing your bouquet can only help you so much. Sometimes, to do things right, one needs to know what wrong looks like, only to better avoid it of course! So here’s the countdown of the top five wedding flower mistake that you want to avoid for your big day.


Top 5 Wedding Flower Mistakes To AvoidPhoto credit

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6 Things You Should Leave To The Professionals

6 Things You Should Leave To The ProfessionalsSource

A wedding can be the most stressful thing that you ever plan. Everything has to run just-so, and why not? It’s all over in a day, and that is a day that you can never get back and recreate. For some it can be the most expensive thing they ever do, although frugality within weddings is becoming more of a trend.

While most people are intent on cutting costs and DIY-ing the lot, here are 6 things you really should leave to the professionals to save your time (and your sanity!)

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Marriage in the Spotlight: Putting Your Future Front and Center on Your Wedding Day

Marriage in the SpotlightPexels image

Your wedding day is a huge day. Everything will supposedly be different from then onwards. Even if nothing technically changes, apart from your legal status, being married can make your relationship feel very different. The wedding is a fun party and a meaningful day, but it’s the marriage that follows that has more meaning. With all the hectic planning required for the big day, it can be easy to lose sight of that. If you want to emphasize your years of marriage to come, and not just the single day of your wedding, you can think of some ways to do that.

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Beach? Sun? Boredom? Honeymoon Ideas That Do Something Different

In convention, a honeymoon tends to look one particular way. It tends to involve some combination of:

  • A beach (preferably with sparkling white sand and palm trees for decor, which of course yield fresh produce every day)
  • Glasses of champagne being clinked
  • Sunsets (you also need the beach for this, as without a requisite beach + sunset picture then you’re not actually married…)
  • Sun, and lots of it (nothing says “spend our lives together” like risking skin cancer!)

Beach? Sun? Boredom? Honeymoon Ideas That Do Something DifferentBeach? Check. Sun? Check? Glasses of champagne? You betcha.

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