Easy Ways To Save Money On Your Wedding

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Planning a wedding is an incredibly exciting time in your life. Having one special day to call your own and to celebrate yours and your partner’s love is always going to you remember, so it’s important everything goes as planned.

If you’re looking to have an incredible day, but don’t quite have the budget other’s may have, working out how you’re going to cut your costs is important. There are so many different things to think about when it comes to planning a wedding, that often people don’t realise how expensive they can be. Don’t worry though, there are lots of different ways to keep the costs down.

To help, here are 11 easy ways to save money on your wedding:

  • Set A Budget And Make Sure You Stick To It

Before you start planning the logistics of your wedding it’s important you set a budget beforehand. This doesn’t just mean setting one overall figure of what you want to spend but instead taking the time to plan out how much you’re going to spend on each and every aspect of the wedding. If you’re struggling, try asking friends who have been through this before to let you know the average prices of things that they paid – they’ll help give you a clear idea of the kind of costs involved.

  • Avoid Getting Married During Peak Wedding Season

When it comes to getting married there is definitely a peak season, which is usually during the warmer summer months. Whilst you may want to get married when it’s still sunny, avoiding the peak season doesn’t mean you have to miss out.

Try booking your wedding at either the start or end of the season, guaranteeing you the warmer weather at reducing your costs by as much as half.

  • Have A Weekday Wedding

If you want to cut costs and you’re not tied to a specific date, consider getting married on a weekday as it can be much cheaper.

  • Do Your Research And Compare Prices

When planning a wedding it may seem easier to go with things that are easier to find. Whether it’s hiring the photographer your friend used, getting married in the venue you drive past on your way to work or visiting the wedding dress shop on the corner of your street – often it’s the best way to reduce stress. Whilst it may be convenient, at times it can be much better to do your research and compare prices. You may be surprised how much difference it can make!

If you’re trying to save money while shopping for a wedding dress, you can view these Top 5 Things to Save Money Buying a Wedding Dress.

  • Consider A Wedding Package

Although in some cases they can be restricting, wedding packages are a great way to save some money when planning your wedding. Most of the time they will include your venue, your food, your evening reception, entertainment and a select number of rooms if you’re getting married in a hotel.

As you can imagine, purchasing most of your wedding essentials in one go can help cut the costs significantly, as afterwards the main things you need to get are your dress, your suits and your flowers.  

  • Think About Your Guest List And How Many People Need To Attend

Whilst it is a lovely thought being able to invite absolutely everyone to your wedding, thinking about your guest list and keeping it small will help ensure you’re cutting costs where you can. The price per person can often be expensive, so if you’re just inviting people for the sake of it, consider dramatically reducing your guest list down. If you want a large wedding on a budget, a package deal may be a better option for you.

  • View Venues That Are Well Below Your Budget

Although it may seem ridiculous to view venues that are well below your budget, you may be surprised with what you like. If you can save on the venue you’ll be able to cut your costs considerably as it’s one of the most expensive aspects of a wedding.

  • Consider Making The Most Of Your Skills And Doing Some DIY

DIY weddings are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the rise of sites like Pinterest and Instagram. If you’re feeling creative and you want to put your own personal spin on your wedding, organising a DIY wedding could be the perfect solution. You can make everything from your name cards to your invitations, saving on things that may have been expensive otherwise.

Organise Your Own Catering

If you’re not having a package wedding the food and drink are often one of the most expensive aspects. Providing the venue you’re using lets you bring in your own catering, organising it yourself could save you a lot of money. Whether you hire a burger van or speak to a local caterer, organising the food yourself also means you have a lot more control over your wedding.

  • Consider Buying Your Bridesmaids Dresses On The High Street

Although it would be nice to buy your bridesmaids dresses from a wedding store, often you can find alternatives that are just as nice on the high street. Alternatively, you can ask if your bridesmaids would be interested in pitching in towards their dresses – especially if they’re not keen on the idea of shopping high street.

  • Do Your Own Makeup Or Hire Students

Finally, a great way to save money on the day of your wedding is to either do your own makeup or to hire beauty school students. Although hiring a student won’t be free, it will be a much cheaper alternative to hiring an experienced makeup artist. This also applies to having your hair done – you can either do it yourself or hire a trainee hairdresser. They’ll appreciate the experience and will be able to use your wedding in their portfolio.

Are you planning your big day and looking to save money? What changes will you be making? Let us know in the comments section below.